Most Lucrative Side Hustles for Lazy People – Top Ten Side Hustles

lucrative side hustles for lazy people
Affiliate Millionaire

If you are looking for the most lucrative side hustles, you will find all of them in this comprehensive list.

The best part is that you can be lazy and let others do the work for you with these side hustles, and all you need to do is the “hard work” of collecting the money.

Here are the side hustles that are the most lucrative, in my opinion:

  1. Arbitrage services on freelancer websites
  2. Google and Facebook ad creation
  3. Filling out paid surveys
  4. Coaching and consulting
  5. Copywriting
  6. TikTok creator
  7. Copying and pasting ads
  8. Blogging
  9. Youtube creator
  10. Affilate marketing

How does this work?

I share that side hustle and many other tricks that I have learned and still enjoy “doing” from time to time. They are all freaking easy, and I will share my favorite side hustle that requires the “work” of copying and pasting.


Do you think you can do these side hustles?

These side hustles don’t require any formal education, but it is good if you have some money to invest in scaling up quickly and making more money faster.

You can even use these side hustles to let others do all the hard work while you collect all the money.

Arbitrage Services on Freelancer Websites – The Lazy Side Hustle

You can use other people’s skills to make money, and it is so easy to do once you get started.

Here are the steps:

  1. Join a freelancer website like Freelancer, Fiverr, or Upwork and set up your profile.
  2. Look for a couple of easy tasks that you can get others to do for a cheap price, say $5 for instance.
  3. Create a similar side hustle on the same, or another freelancer site.
  4. Upmark your cost with say 50%, so you will charge your client $10, if you bought it for $5, or $20 if you bought the service for $10.
  5. Be specific and ask your client what they want, then go to the other site and buy it for cheap, and paste your clients answer into the description of their side hustle.
  6. Pay the other freelancer. Wait for the project to be finished.
  7. When the project is finished, send the information to your client, and pocket the difference.

The only downside with this kind of project is that you need to be specific even if it’s lucrative and ask for exactly what your client wants. Otherwise, you will not get the money unless the other freelancer is offering free revisions.

However, I think one side hustle is better, which I discuss at the end of this article.

Facebook Ads and Google Shopping – Work a Few Hours

If you have an e-commerce site, this is probably the best combination.

Google shopping can be highly effective if you sell physical goods that appeal to a broad consumer base, e.g., toothpaste.

If you have a more specific type of goods you’re selling, like cat watches, Google shopping might still work for you, but then you should target both people who love eyes and people who love cats.

The best way to target both interests isn’t Google Shopping but Facebook ads.

For as little as $5 per day, you can reach a highly targeted audience with such a limited budget, and you can get as specific as you want.

It might sound like a lot, but you can narrow things down, and if you do it the right way, you can reach more buyers.

Google, on the other hand, will charge you roughly 0.66$ per click, and that is more expensive, but you only pay when someone is clicking on your link, so it doesn’t cost you anything if you show up in the search or display results, but no one clicks on your ad.

Creating these ads can be very lucrative for you, which I discussed in my article on starting side hustles.

Filling Out Surveys – Get Paid for Your Opinions

It takes time, but it is time that you can do on the side from your ordinary job.

I started to do this side hustle myself, back when I started to make money online, and you can do it too.

The best part with this side hustle is that it doesn’t require any experience or skills, and you can get started in 5 minutes from now.

If you want to do that, you can read this article where I share more details.

In that article, I will share my personal story with you and tell you how you can start right away without any skills or expertise immediately after reading it.

Coaching and Consulting – Earn Money Offering Your Expertise

Coaching and consulting are two side hustles that you can start, which are very lucrative and similar to each other.

You are leveraging your knowledge and can work from the comfort of your own home or visit clients and do in-person training with them. The sky is the limit.

The chances are that you probably have some skills you can leverage to become a coach or consultant.

If you don’t have any clue, here are some examples of coaching and consulting jobs to give you an idea:

  • Business consultant – help businesses grow online or offline by getting more customers
  • Dating- and Relationship coach – help people get relationships or improve their relationships
  • Life coach – get paid to help people figure out solutions to their problems
  • Social media consultant – get paid to manage company’s social media campaigns, and social media accounts

If you click or tap here, you can join a 15-day challenge and start to build and grow your coaching or consulting offer right away.

If you purchase, I will get $1 from your purchase.

Copywriting – Selling with Words

Copywriting is the skill of selling products by using words. The words trigger interest and convince customers that your client’s product will solve a specific problem.

If you sell anything online or do anything marketing-related as your side hustle, you need to know a bit about it.

There are many options available, and some of the best courses are free or priced at a very affordable price. Learning about this skill will be very lucrative for you. A skilled copywriter can earn $1,000 or more per hour.

In the beginning, though, you might earn as little as $50, or $90 per hour. You might even work for free to build your portfolio.

You might need to invest a little bit in that and learn some copywriting formulas if you want to look professional.

However, if you invest a little bit of money, and I do mean less than $10, do you think that would be a good investment?

Click here to start your copywriting side-hustle today for just $7.

If you decide to purchase through my link, I will make $1 from it. In my own experience, investing a little bit of money into your side hustle will increase the likelihood of you sticking to it and taking it more seriously than those who only take free courses.

The money I make will create more quality blog posts to help you get more details about other lucrative side hustles.

TikTok Side Hustle – Great for Startups and Beginner Entrepreneurs

If you are starting your entrepreneurial journey, you might want to start with TikTok.

Interesting enough, TikTok isn’t only for people who want to dance to music. You can use it to get customers and visitors to what you are offering to the market, and it works amazingly well for online courses and email marketing.

If you want to start a side hustle on TikTok, follow this strategy to grow viral on TikTok.

That is the strategy that I learned about myself, tried, and saw my TikTok account grow exponentially, and you can get that ultimate guide exclusively on that article.

Copy and Pasting Ads – Easy Side Hustle

I know that this side hustle sounds too accurate, but people and apps will pay you for copying and pasting ads on other placements, which will help the company maximize the additional revenue.

You can get paid to copy and past ads on people’s blogs and websites too. It’s crazy – I know!

All you do is that you use a code and paste it into blogs like the one you see below. It is a fully functional ad that I didn’t pay anyone for. I did it myself, and it is super easy to do!

I copied and pasted a code into a field, and it appeared.

Combine it with the other two methods that I will discuss now, and you can make money while you sleep. It has happened to me.

Blogging – A Fun Side Hustle If You Love to Write

I love blogging, and I can highly recommend this to anyone looking for a side hustle.

If you’re not technical savvy, pay a freelancer to get everything set up and work properly if you can afford it. Otherwise, I recommend that you set up your self-hosted blog with BlueHost, using WordPress.

They offer a 1-click installation, making it easy for even the most technically challenged person to do the setup early.

BlueHost’s cheapest hosting offer starts at $36 per year, and a domain costs around $10.

The domain should be about something you love or already know a bit about and that you want to blog about.

That will increase your chance of making some money on the side. I am biased here since that is the model I am using myself, and I recommend people like you start a side hustle.

I monetize this blog with these three side hustles:

  • Copy and pasting ads. But it’s not in the same way as I described above.
  • Blogging. It is the core foundation combined with Youtube.
  • Affiliate marketing. Something I love, and it is really the laziest side hustle you can have. I’ll explain why below.

If you want to get all the details, here is where you should start by naming your blog correctly.

Youtube Creator – Side Hustle for People Who Love to Be on Camera

It is so easy to combine Youtube with blogging.

You need to upload videos where you read from your blog and put a link to your blog or offer. You will get more eyeballs to your blog or request, and it will also increase your trustworthiness and position you as an authority in your field of expertise.

To start, you need:

  • A good camera
  • A decent mic
  • Recording software (there’s plenty of free one’s like Screen-Cast-o-Matic for instance)

If you don’t want to do it yourself, hire a freelancer to afford it and get more eyeballs to your blog. Even if it cost you some money initially, you can have more page views.

However, I will share the most lucrative side hustle with you now that you can combine it with Youtube or TikTok.

Affiliate Marketing – The Lucrative Side Hustle That Has the Potential to Replace Your Job AKA Living the Laptop Lifestyle

No, it’s not a scam and has nothing to do with MLM. You don’t have to sell shady cryptocurrency schemes to your family, friends, or neighbors who aren’t interested in it anyway.

Instead, you are recommending products to people interested in the things you are going to offer them.

You will become a brand ambassador for a product or service and influence people to purchase that product.

For instance, I used my copy-and-paste skills to add a couple of ads to this article in this article. I also did a few other things that I picked up from an affiliate marketing course that I bought some while ago.

There are both free and paid marketing courses, and some are better than others.

The paid ones are often sharing the most current methods. They are being updated regularly since they are something you invest in. The instructor is interested in improving it and keeping it updated.

The free affiliate marketing courses are usually recorded once and never updated.

If you have bought a couple of courses, you will notice that they all teach different methods. Some work better than others depending on which product you’re selling and who wants to buy it.

If you are serious about building a side hustle that has the potential of replacing your regular job, this is the one I recommend to you.

How to Start a Lucrative Side Hustle – The Easiest Way for Lazy People

Even if the free courses still teach methods that work, you might want to invest a little bit of your hard-earned cash. I do mean a small investment.

It’s not free, but it’s not expensive either, since it costs about the same as a cup of coffee.

For that reason, the course I am sharing with you today is a paid one, and I once spent a marketer as much as $7k to start this side hustle. The good news is that you don’t have to pay that much.

All I am asking from you is a small investment of $7.

The course will offer you:

  1. How to start an affiliate marketing side hustle in 15 days
  2. A coach who will help you earn your first commission online
  3. The most recent and updated methods to cut your lurning curve, and succeed

If you have never bought a single marketing course online, this is the course you need.

It’s not only me that they have helped, but others as well. Your age doesn’t matter either, since you will hear of a 79-year old who made his first commission online within those 15 days.

You might also have bought several courses and are therefore skeptical.

In that case, let me tell you that I was skeptical too when I joined. Their step-by-step system helped me and made it very logical. English isn’t my first language.

Even if their course worked for me, him, and many others, I can’t guarantee that it will work for you.

To make this side hustle work properly, you need to be willing to invest one to two hours every day, and that investment in time will pay off eventually. It is the most lucrative side hustle that you can start today, in my own biased opinion.

I wouldn’t say I like to hide things from you.

If you decide to purchase through my link, you will pay $7 today, and I will earn $1 from your initial investment.

If you are serious about starting a side hustle, I don’t think that is much money compared to what you have to pay to start a franchise, do you?

The money I make will create more quality content on this blog to help you start a lucrative side hustle.

Summary – The Top 10 Lucrative Side Hustles for Lazy People

I have now covered the ten most lucrative side hustles for lazy people that I could think of, and they are:

  1. Arbitraging services
  2. Facebook ads and Google shopping
  3. Filling out paid surveys
  4. Coaching and consulting
  5. Copywriting
  6. TikTok Creator
  7. Copying and Pasting Ads
  8. Blogging
  9. Youtube Creator
  10. Affilate marketing

All of them work, and you can get started in a couple of minutes from now.

However, if you want to start the most lucrative side hustle that I think is the best one, in my own opinion, you can click or tap on the button below and listen to the free video.

If you decide to click through and purchase after watching the video, I will earn a dollar from your investment. If you have appreciated the knowledge I shared with you, and I would highly appreciate it.

I hope you have enjoyed this article!

If you have, you might want to share it with others, and you can do so by clicking on one of the social media buttons below.
